My Swedish Attempts

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I read an article in DN today... and actually understood it. I mean, the whole article.

The words in it that I didn't know and am going to look up are:
tvärt - Suddenly
omlott - (not in dictionary... and lott doesn't have a definition given)
knappt - hardly
pynta - decorate
färre -fewer (I actually guessed that but wanted to be sure)
rabatter - flower beds
gödslas - fertalize
förutsättningarna (not in dictionary...)
ångrar - regret (Another that I guessed and was right about)

But not knowing these few words didn't hurt my understanding of the article. I think this is the first time I've ever noticed being able to read a whole article in Swedish. I'm quite proud of myself. Maybe I've gotten past the platau I've been stuck at with my Swedish learning. If I read articles each week and try to look up a few words that I don't know... then reread the article with the words... maybe I'll know more?


  • At December 07, 2005 8:50 AM, Blogger Fahle said…

    Och om du vill veta vad ett ord betyder kan du alltid fråga mig, eller Jonas eller Peter eller någon annan snäll svensk :-)


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